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Every person who owns real property in the Province of New Brunswick or who leases property from the Crown (either Federal or Provincial) will pay property tax subject to certain exemptions.  Through the Assessment Act and the Real Property Tax Act, the Province has introduced a centralized assessment and collection system for real property taxation which is applied to municipalities, local service districts and rural communities.  Service New Brunswick is responsible for annually assessing the value of all real property within the province for tax purposes, while the Department of Finance is responsible for the billing and collection of all real property taxes, including those levied by municipalities.  For further information on property assessments and/or property taxation, please go to https://www2.snb.ca/content/snb/en/sites/property-assessment.html.

The Department of Finance has a number of agencies around the province that accept property tax payments on its behalf.  Following is a list of agencies that accept property tax payments:

  • https://www.pxw1.snb.ca/SNB9000/product.aspx?productid=A001P251101&l=e
  • In person at your nearest Service New Brunswick Centre (in Doaktown, Service New Brunswick is located at  272 Main Street or by calling 506-365-2005 between the hours of 8:30 am – 12:30 pm or between 1:45 – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday);
  • Most Canadian financial institutions;
  • Telephone banking;
  • Computer-based banking;
  • Automated tellers at financial institutions;
  • Pre-authorized chequing;
  • By mail to: Department of Finance, P.O. Box 3000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 5G5.

Please note that credit card payments are not accepted. Taxpayers should bring the bottom portion of their Notice (payment stub) when making payments in person to ensure accuracy in posting.

AS OF JANUARY 2023, THE CURRENT TAX RATE IN THE VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN( Previous Village Limits) IS SET AT $1.5545 and VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN (Previously known as Parish of Blissfield) IS SET AT $ 1.5388.

About Doaktown

The village of Doaktown is located in the heart of the Miramichi, along the Miramichi River. The famous Miramichi River is one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world, in both past and present day. Not only is the Southwest Miramichi River among the top 10 cleanest rivers in the world, it is home to the elusive Atlantic salmon that has tempted the skill of men for centuries. Doaktown's history is both colourful and diverse, changing with time and industry. Home to the Atlantic Salmon Museum, the Doak Historic Site, the Old Mill Pond Golf Club, and numerous fishing and outdoor adventure experiences.

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Village of Doaktown

Address: 8 Miramichi Street, Doaktown, NB, Canada, E9C 1C8

Phone: 506-365-7970

Fax: 506-365-7111

Email: info@doaktown.ca